NIC Brasil has announced registrations will be possible for NET.BR, following the liberalising of COM.BR in 2008. As of April 6, 2009 Brazilian people and companies will be able to register domains in this extension.
Currently only companies related to multimedia communication, networks and those with relationships with the internet are able to register domain names in NET.BR.
On April 06, a six-month sunrise period will commence where the holders of COM.BR domains will be able to reserve the same domain name under NET.BR they hold under COM.BR. This sunrise period will finished on October 6.
Starting October 27th, 2009, a Landrush phase will begin, where “” domain names will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, with the only restriction of the local presence requirement.
More information on registering .BR domain names is available from Registro.BR at:
To register a .BR domain name, check out America Registry here.
Thanks to NameAction and LatinTLD for alerting us to this news.