While they couldn’t agree on how it should be done, all of the speakers at Monday’s 2012 Canadian Internet Forum agreed that government needs to take a more active role in Internet governance.The Ottawa event, held annually by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), brought together more than 250 people from government, law enforcement agencies and the technical sector to discuss a smorgasbord of issues affecting Canadians’ access to the Internet.To read this PostMedia News report in full, see:
www.canada.com/Nations+must+step+global+rules+Internet+governance+conference+told/6218024/story.htmlAlso see:UN agency seeks to quell fears over its plans for the Internet
A gathering of United Nations diplomats overseas has some in the U.S. worried about a potential takeover of the Internet by foreign powers – with others claiming such fears are wildly overhyped.The obscure branch of the U.N. at issue is the International Telecommunication Union, whose 193 member states include the U.S. and which was convening this week in Geneva. The ostensible purpose of the conference is to seek consensus for an updating of the last set of international telecom regulations, known as ITRs, which were issued in 1988.