More Australians paying for faster internet, but we’re still lagging behind in upload speeds

Australians are increasingly opting to pay for faster internet connections although an analysis of global internet speeds suggests the country is still lagging behind other countries.

Australians are increasingly opting to pay for faster internet connections although an analysis of global internet speeds suggests the country is still lagging behind other countries.The Australian Bureau of Statistics internet activity statistics were released on Tuesday, and show greater demand for faster connections as the overall amount of data downloaded continues to increase exponentially. see:Australians demand faster internet speeds: ABS
Consumers want faster internet, according to Australian Bureau of ­Statistics (ABS) research that appears to ­contradict a government report that says Australians don’t need more than 15 megabits per ­second (Mbps).More than 2 million Australians had internet access faster than 24Mbps per second in June, the ABS found.

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