The impact on online advertising by the proposed takeover of Yahoo! by Microsoft is discussed in this Wall Street Journal article, republished by The Australian. The takeover, if it happens, has “advertising executives contemplating a drastically different landscape in the online ad world.””The flurry of news over the last 18 hours is the online media industry’s equivalent of nuclear war. Nothing short of a new world order in this space is up for grabs,” Tim Hanlon, executive vice-president at Denuo Group, a unit of Publicis Groupe which explores new marketing technologies told the Wall Street Journal.The article looks at options that may not end up consolidating the industry, as most mergers do and the battles that “are raging over display advertising, social networking, online video and mobile, and pair-ups between Google competitors could create a few sizeable players in these other fast-growing areas.””You’d have a three-cornered hat,” says Rob Norman, chief executive of GroupM Interaction Worldwide.”If you’ve got three major players driving to innovate, then you’d have three pretty substantial platforms in play,” he told the Wall Street Journal.To read the full story, see,25197,23533809-36375,00.html.
Microsoft, Yahoo and its Impact on Online Advertising
The impact on online advertising by the proposed takeover of Yahoo! by Microsoft is discussed in this Wall Street Journal article, republished by The Australian. The takeover, if it happens, has “advertising executives contemplating a drastically different landscape in the online ad world.”