Microsoft sees end of Windows era with coming Midori

Microsoft has kicked off a research project to create software that will take over when it retires Windows.Called Midori, the cut-down operating system is radically different to Microsoft’s older programs.It is centred on the internet and does away with the dependencies that tie Windows to a single PC.It is seen as Microsoft’s answer to rivals’ use of “virtualisation” as a way to solve many of the problems of modern-day computing. musings: Thoughts on a “post-Windows” OS
The big excitement in Microsoftland this week has been further news of Midori. Midori is claimed to be Microsoft’s “post-Windows” operating system — a new platform for the future. The SD Times claims to have seen internal Microsoft documents describing the company’s plans for the new OS, and it says that Midori will be a commercial derivative of the Singularity project. Say hello to a cloud-computing-ready .NET OS. Computing, Microsoft’s Midori, and the End of Windows
Cloud computing, which offloads applications from local PC installations to the Internet or company networks, stands poised to free business from many uncomfortable tethers. For one thing, those local PC installations, and the operating systems they require, can be a royal pain to manage and update. Not to mention the potential for data loss with local storage – sure, you can create good backup policies and train users to store files on network drives, but you’re still going to run into situations where a drive blows and someone loses a critical document.

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