Measure to monetise your .TEL with Google Analytics

Telnic logo[news release] After adding Google. AdSense and enabling image-]based adverts for .tel domains, Telnic, the Registry Operator for .tel, today announced that all .tel owners can now integrate Google Analytics to measure and evaluate the performance of their .tel names

Telnic logo[news release] After adding Google. AdSense and enabling image-]based adverts for .tel domains, Telnic, the Registry Operator for .tel, today announced that all .tel owners can now integrate Google Analytics to measure and evaluate the performance of their .tel names.

“.tel domains continue to index quickly in search engine results and show strong ranking performance,” commented Ian Bowen-Morris, Chief Marketing Officer at Telnic, “gNow, with integrated tracking by the leading analytics provider, .tel owners can see, down to the individual piece of contact information or advert, how people are interacting with their .tel names.”

All .tel owners, whether they are running a local paid directory or businesses using different social media platforms to interact with their customers, can benefit from Google Analytics. A .tel owner can benefit from all of the existing standard measurement analytics as well as some custom report types that Telnic has set up. By measuring traffic and usage, .tel owners can better monetize and gain value from their .tel names.

Google Analytics tracking can be activated simply from the .tel control panel provided by a .tel service provider. No coding is required, as .tel owners with Google Analytics account simply add the domain to track and cut and paste the required code into the .tel control panel tool.

Over 300,000 .tel names are being used in over 180 countries worldwide today. For more information about how individuals and businesses are using .tel, please visit or

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