There were many reactions Verizon Wireless salesman Joseph Ramireza expected to hear when he introduced an iPhone to his oldest client this year. It would have been perfectly normal for the elderly Minnesota man to show confusion, maybe curiosity, possibly indifference. Instead, the 85-year-old said this:”Wow, I have got to show this to my mom!””Well, how old is she?””113.”A few weeks later, many more people learned about the then-113-year-old when a TV station in Plainview, Minn., aired a story about her that went viral. It said that the woman, Anna Stoehr, tried to sign up for a Facebook account on her iPad mini (the regular iPad was too heavy) — and she had to lie about her age because Facebook’s upper age limit wouldn’t recognize her birth year of 1900.–about-facebook/2014/10/22/5fd3700e-57b1-11e4-bd61-346aee66ba29_story.html