Erick Iriarte, General Manager of the Latin American and Caribbean ccTLDs Organization (LACTLD) has announced his resignation to further his political ambitions in the upcoming Peruvian election.Iriarte is a candidate for the Peruvian Congress and will be missed at both regional and international meetings such as ICANN, being a very popular figure.During the last three years under Iriarte’s leadership, he was fundamental to LACTLD in strengthen its role in the regional and global arena, introducing a relevant number of workshops for the benefit of LACTLD membership. During this time the LACTLD grew to 35 members, from ccTLDs and other TLDs with interests in the region.LACTLD is a non-profit organisation that aims to represent the interests of the Latin America and the Caribbean ccTLDs, as well as promote communication and cooperation between ccTLDs managers.”My political campaign for the Peruvian Congress has taken more time from my original responsibilities, and in top of it the chances to obtain that position has increased which requires a greater commitment to my country,” said Iriarte. “Even professionally detached from the organisation to allow me to attend personal commitments, my great affection for LACTLD makes me stay compromised with its goals and its community, for whom I’ve dedicated the last three years of my life. All of this, for a greater compromise with my country”.”LACLTD will be always grateful for Erick’s management during the last three years for the way he served its community. He was instrumental to engage the ccTLDs in LACTLD activities while securing the necessary resources to strengthen the organization, representing us through different international events and feeding us with relevant industry information”, said Oscar Robles, Chairman of the LACTLD Board.The LACTLD Board coming soon will start the formal search for the new General Manager.