Israeli Court Holds that a DNS Definition may be Retained as Security for Payment of Debts
“The Israeli Magistrates Court of Tiberias held on December 17, 2006 that DNS definition is an asset which may be retained by a creditor as means to persuade a debtor to pay its debt. The Court stated that even if seemingly intangible, the DNS requires physical maintenance work and therefore can be said to be “physically held” and thus capable of being retained as security for ensuring payment.” However the article also notes that “these decisions do not hold any precedential value for the Israeli courts in future cases.”
Israeli Court Holds that a DNS Definition may be Retained as Security for Payment of Debts
“The Israeli Magistrates Court of Tiberias held on December 17, 2006 that DNS definition is an asset which may be retained by a creditor as means to persuade a debtor to pay its debt. The Court stated that even if seemingly intangible, the DNS requires physical maintenance work and therefore can be said to be “physically held” and thus capable of being retained as security for ensuring payment.” However the article also notes that “these decisions do not hold any precedential value for the Israeli courts in future cases.”