Iran’s big brother for bloggers

Want to start a blog in Iran? Then you’ll have to register it with the government – which has recently begun to require that all bloggers register at, a site established by the ministry of culture of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s government. All you need do is give your personal information, including your blog’s username and password – otherwise it will be filtered and blocked so that nobody in Iran, and perhaps outside too, will be able to access it. This has led to an outcry among many Iranian bloggers who consider the net an independent and free forum for expression.

Want to start a blog in Iran? Then you’ll have to register it with the government – which has recently begun to require that all bloggers register at, a site established by the ministry of culture of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s government. All you need do is give your personal information, including your blog’s username and password – otherwise it will be filtered and blocked so that nobody in Iran, and perhaps outside too, will be able to access it. This has led to an outcry among many Iranian bloggers who consider the net an independent and free forum for expression.,,2096632,00.html

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