Internet giants Facebook, Google, oppose new Australian regulator

Internet giants and Australian telecommunications providers have opposed the Australian Government’s proposal to instate a digital economy regulator, stating that increased regulation is unnecessary and possibly harmful.The proposal stems from the interim report for the Convergence Review, an examination of Australia’s communications and media industry to determine what changes need to be introduced or made to existing policy and regulatory frameworks. The proposal, if successful, will replace existing regulators such as the Australian Communications and Media Authority with a “new independent regulator for content and communications” that is technology neutral and would “operate at arm’s length from the government except for a limited range of specified matters”. see:Google urges rejection of net censor
Google has urged the federal government to dump an interim independent report recommending cyberspace be regulated in a similar manner to television.Google said it could not see how the government could introduce meaningful regulation without implementing its controversial internet filter.Google Australia head of public policy and government affairs Iarla Flynn said it was ”not clear” how any regulation could be imposed on internet content without a filter.

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