Internet censorship gathers steam

More than a decade ago — as the Cold War ended and the technological revolution begun — many predicted that globalization would usher in a new era of freedom of expression across the planet. … Now time has passed. Globalization has continued apace, spreading throughout former Soviet states and China, to the great profit of local economies and Western multinational companies. But those predictions about a worldwide end to censorship? Never happened. In fact, Internet censorship is picking up steam around the world. Thailand banned YouTube after a video was posted belittling the king. In Malaysia, the government is increasing the heat on bloggers, telling mainstream media outlets not to publish information from Web logs.

Internet censorship gathers steamMore than a decade ago — as the Cold War ended and the technological revolution begun — many predicted that globalization would usher in a new era of freedom of expression across the planet. … Now time has passed. Globalization has continued apace, spreading throughout former Soviet states and China, to the great profit of local economies and Western multinational companies. But those predictions about a worldwide end to censorship? Never happened. In fact, Internet censorship is picking up steam around the world. Thailand banned YouTube after a video was posted belittling the king. In Malaysia, the government is increasing the heat on bloggers, telling mainstream media outlets not to publish information from Web logs.

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