Not every story on the soon to be introduced internationalised domain names is serious with The Spoof making light of their introduction by claiming “Megakey Company has announced a new line of computer keyboards that accommodate five languages.”The story continues “Based on the standard QWERTY keyboard most familiar to North American, South American and European continents, the Megakey keyboard will contain an additional 327 keys arranged in circumference around the existing layout. The key groupings will include Russian Cyrillic, Japanese Kanji, Chinese Hanzi, Arabic Script, and U.S. Redneck Phonetics.”To read the humorous posting on The Spoof website, see
Internationalised Domain Names Mean 327 Key Keyboards!
Not every story on the soon to be introduced internationalised domain names is serious with The Spoof making light of their introduction by claiming “Megakey Company has announced a new line of computer keyboards that accommodate five languages.”