Informed opinion says IT screens are not glowing green

For all the talk of a paperless offices and workers ditching cars to work from home, the IT revolution’s green credentials are actually rather poor. IT accounts for about 2 per cent of CO2 emissions, according to Gartner, the analysts – the same proportion as the aviation industry. PCs account for 40 per cent of that. “Always-on” computing has made for a snappy IT industry sales phrase, but it does little for the planet or for companies’ bottom lines. Fujitsu Siemens, the IT group, estimates that Britain’s 200 largest companies collectively could save £123 million a year if they turned computers off at night.

For all the talk of a paperless offices and workers ditching cars to work from home, the IT revolution’s green credentials are actually rather poor.IT accounts for about 2 per cent of CO2 emissions, according to Gartner, the analysts – the same proportion as the aviation industry. PCs account for 40 per cent of that.”Always-on” computing has made for a snappy IT industry sales phrase, but it does little for the planet or for companies’ bottom lines. Fujitsu Siemens, the IT group, estimates that Britain’s 200 largest companies collectively could save £123 million a year if they turned computers off at night.

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