After having spent the better part of his 17-year career advising groups from NATO to the Palestinian Authority on issues of cybersecurity, development, and governance, Rafal Rohozinski has been known to say that computers can potentially cause more damage than a nuclear bomb.The cybersecurity expert, who serves as CEO of The SecDev Group, a global security and research firm, points to a 2009 report titled “Tracking GhostNet” that he and his associate Ron Deibert authored as an example. In it they detailed the Chinese cyberspying that infected 1,295 targets in 103 countries.Several of the targets were high level and included embassies, news media organizations, and even the Dalai Lama. While the saga of China versus Google has certainly awakened Net citizens to the possibility that the virtual world consists of more than Facebook, it isn’t altogether clear how the Google hacking or a Google pullout from China could affect the rest of the globe. Rohozinski, who’s consulted with Google on the issue of censorship, spoke to NEWSWEEK’s Jessica Ramirez about where the Google issue stands now and what it may mean for the future of cyberspace.