ICANN: Temporary Expert Advisory Groups Formed on New gTLD Malicious Conduct Initiatives

As part of ICANN’s effort to advance work on the implementation plan and Applicant Guidebook for new gTLDs and in response to the Board’s direction to resolve the potential for malicious conduct over-arching issue, ICANN Staff is soliciting knowledgeable volunteers to serve on two temporary, expert advisory groups to study and develop proposed solutions for:

  • enhancing access to zone file information; and,
  • establishing a high security TLD verification program

ICANN invites the participation of knowledgeable volunteers from GNSO Stakeholder Groups, constituencies, advisory committees and other interested parties. Experts should submit a statement of interest and qualification to registry-liaison@icann.org by 9 December 2009, to ensure the groups include a broad representation of volunteers who can most effectively and efficiently understand the complexity of the issues and develop implementable solutions. ICANN hopes that a substantial number of experts with diverse viewpoints will volunteer, but the size of the group might need to be limited so the group can get its work done efficiently.Briefing papers on these two concepts are viewable at icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/brief-zone-file-access-24nov09-en.pdf [PDF, 12K] and icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/brief-hstld-24nov09-en.pdf [PDF, 20K] and will be used to inform and guide each group’s kick-off call that will be scheduled for Tuesday, 15 December. Details about the first teleconference and any associated materials (e.g., synopsis of public comments on malicious conduct initiatives presented in Applicant Guidebook v3) will be provided to volunteers in advance of the call.Recordings or minutes from the group’s conference calls will be publicly archived, and their outputs will be publicly posted and considered as part of ongoing Applicant Guidebook work.This ICANN announcement was sourced from:

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