ICANN: SSAC Review: Public Comment Period to the Independent Reviewers' Draft Report

ICANN logoICANN appointed JAS Communications as the consultants for the independent review of SSAC, the Security and Stability Advisory Committee. The consultants released their draft final report [PDF, 677K], which was presented and discussed at the ICANN Mexico City meeting. Slides used during the presentation and transcript of the discussion are available here.
A public comment period is now open to allow inputs from the community to the draft final report of external reviewers. The SSAC review Working Group, considering the report of external reviewers and the inputs that will be received during public comments, will issue its recommendations to the Structural Improvements Committee and the Board for implementation.
The reviewers’ draft final report is available in English [PDF, 677K]; other linguistic versions will follow. Its executive Summary is also available in French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese from the SSAC review webpage.
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