Goldstein Report
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After review of the comment received, the Proposed Final 2013 RAA will be reviewed to determine if further changes are warranted. Input on the areas that have changed since the 7 March 2013 posting will be of particular help.
After an extended period of negotiations, ICANN is posting a proposed 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) for public comment.
On 7 March 2013, ICANN posted its version of the 2013 RAA for public comment, noting some areas of disagreement between ICANN and the Registrar Negotiating Team (NT). In addition, some of the specifications posted for comment were ICANN versions only. Since the 7 March posting, the Registrar NT has engaged in frequent negotiation sessions with ICANN in order to bring to closure to all of the open negotiation topics and to consider the community comments received from the 7 March posting. As a result, at ICANN‘s public meeting in Beijing, ICANN and the Registrar NT announced that they had reached agreement in principle on each of the outstanding items highlighted in the March posting version. The documents posted today reflect ICANN and the Registrar NT’s agreements and are the Proposed Final 2013 RAA. This proposed 2013 RAA is a cornerstone of ICANN‘s efforts to work to improve the image of the domain industry and to protect registrants through a further updated contractual framework. It is ICANN‘s intention to have the 2013 RAA completed and approved in the near future for use in the New gTLD Program.
To allow for transparency into the proposed final version of the 2013 RAA and community input on the changes from the 7 March posting, ICANN is opening a full comment forum.
ICANN thanks the Registrar Negotiating Team (NT) for its continued engagement in good faith negotiations on the RAA. The RAA posted today reflects hard-fought concessions on many of key issues raised throughout the negotiations.
A fuller discussion of the status of negotiations and areas of difference is available in ICANN‘s RAA Posting Memorandum [PDF, 65 KB].
The current round of negotiations over the RAA began in October 2011. ICANN and the Registrar Negotiation Team have presented updates to the community at each of ICANNâs public meetings since that time. Information on the history of the negotiations, including previously released documentation, is available at the community wiki at This includes the group of documents posted in June 2012, which demonstrated the progress to date in the negotiations.
There are multiple documents for review as part of this posting. The new RAA is anticipated to be a base document with a series of specifications attached. Each specification is an integral, enforceable component of the RAA. This posting includes all documents that are currently anticipated to be part of the 2013 RAA. As noted above, a fuller discussion of the status of negotiations and areas of difference is available in ICANN‘s RAA Posting Memorandum [PDF, 65 KB]. A summary [PDF, 59 KB] of how the 12 law enforcement recommendations are incorporated into the RAA is also provided.
The base RAA documents:
The Proposed Specifications and Addendums:
A Report of the Public Comments submitted in response to the 7 March 2013 posting of the RAA is available here [PDF, 178 KB].
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