Dispute resolution annual summary by ICANNâs independent officer
ICANN’s Ombudsman has released his 2009 report, summarizing the previous 12 months of dispute resolution efforts that he oversees in his role as an independent officer of the organization.
The report is an annual stocktaking of the office and how it has helped individuals and organizations bring disputes to resolution without recourse to more formal mechanisms such as the courts.
Highlights of the report include:
- A summary of the 96 intakes and 31 complaints or requests for assistance received
- Recommendations on actions to be taken by the ICANN Board
- Details of outreach and training events
- Statement on respectful online communication
- A section on evaluation and recommendations against five ombuds criteria
- Statistics on Ombudsman activities for the 2008â2009 year
- Case studies and a description of how the Ombudsmanâs Office saves ICANN money and staff time by handling persistent complainants
- A review of the first five years of operations.
“My office is a vital link in providing private, confidential, cost free, timely and expert dispute resolution for community members in their disagreements with ICANN,” said Ombudsman Frank Fowlie.
The Ombudsman is an independent, impartial, and neutral officer of ICANN. He acts as an Alternative Dispute Resolution office for anyone wishing to lodge a complaint about a staff or board decision, action or inaction.
This yearâs annual report is published in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. It can be found at icann.org/ombudsman/documents/annual-report-2009-24sep09-en.pdf [PDF, 2,230K].
More information about the Ombudsman, his work and his role is available online at: icann.org/ombudsman/
Related links:
Ombudsman 2008 annual report:
icann.org/ombudsman/documents/annual-report-2008-english-13oct08.pdf [PDF, 1,200 K]
Ombudsman webpage:
Ombudsman blog:
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