ICANN: Composition of the Meeting Strategy Working Group

ICANN logoThe Selectors of the Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) announce the composition of the Working Group. In selecting the MSWG, multiple factors were considered including understanding ICANN‘s working practices, consensus-building and analytical skills and balances of geography, gender, consistency, constituency

ICANN logoThe Selectors of the Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) announce the composition of the Working Group. In selecting the MSWG, multiple factors were considered including understanding ICANN‘s working practices, consensus-building and analytical skills and balances of geography, gender, consistency, constituency.

Volunteer Working Group Member in Representation of a Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC)
Candidate Gender Country Region SO/AC
Donna Austin F AU AP GNSO
Satish Babu M IN AP ALAC
Tijani Ben Jemaa M TN AF ALAC
Michelle Chaplow F UK EU GNSO
Keith Davidson M NZ AP ccNSO
Eduardo Diaz Rivera M PR NA ALAC
Paul Diaz M US NA GNSO
Tracy F. Hackshaw M TT LAC GAC
Sylvia Herlein Leite F BR LAC ALAC
Sandra Hoferichter F DE EU ALAC
Poncelet Ileleji M GM AF GNSO
Dmitry Kohmanuyk M UA EU ASO
Suzanne Murray Radell F US NA GAC
Ana Cristina Ferreira Amoroso das Neves F PT EU GAC
Douglas Onyango M UG AF ASO
Margarita Valdés Cortés F CL LAC ccNSO


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