ICANN: CEO Search Committee Progress

ICANN logoThe CEO Search Committee has met several times since Dakar, and has scheduled conference calls at least weekly through the Costa Rica meeting in March 2012.

The committee received a number of e-mailed responses in reply to its request in Dakar for further input. We thank those who have provided input, either in person in Dakar or through e-mail submissions.

The committee issued an RFP for a search firm to assist us in the process. Eight firms were solicited, and four acceptable responses were received. The proposal of Odgers Berndtson of Brussels was chosen, and the committee is now working actively with them.

The committee, in cooperation with Odgers Berndtson, has developed a candidate profile to be used in our search efforts. The profile is a condensation of the Board’s thinking and comments from the community and others, to help potential candidates understand the required skills and experience. The larger and richer set of characteristics of the new CEO, developed through community consultations, will be fully utilized in the evaluation of candidates. A job description is prepared separately.

The CEO Candidate Profile may be found at http://www.icann.org/en/committees/ceo-search/ceo-candidate-profile-01dec11-en.pdf [PDF, 576 KB]. Members of the community are encouraged to consult the profile and assist in encouraging excellent candidates to interest themselves in the position.

The committee has decided that all inquiries and expressions of interest regarding the ICANN CEO position should be sent directly to Odgers Berndtson. The following e-mail address has been established for this purpose: ceo-icann@odgersberndtson.be

This address is now operational and available for use. All expressions of interest the CEO search should be sent directly to this address.

Finally, the committee is currently involved in finalizing the job description, discussing advertising strategy, and assessing a compensation package for the new CEO. The committee intends to keep the community informed of its progress on a periodic basis.

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