An Auction will be facilitated by Power Auctions LLC on 27 January 2016 to resolve string contention for one new generic top-level domain (gTLD) contention set: SHOP. This set was previously identified as an indirect contention set consisting of both the SHOP and SHOPPING strings.
The applicants for .SHOPPING have resolved their contention amongst themselves, eliminating the linkage between SHOP and SHOPPING. The remaining contention set is a direct contention set for the string SHOP. Seven applicants for .SHOP have completed all necessary prerequisites to participate in the Auction, and the Auction will proceed on 27 January 2016.
Within seven days after the completion of the Auction, the results, including a results report, will be posted to the Auction Results page of the New gTLD Microsite. In addition, the Auction Proceeds page will be updated within seven days to reflect the proceeds and costs related to the Auction.
The Auction Schedule [PDF, 264 KB] is updated as of 22 January 2016 to reflect eligible contention sets. For additional information regarding Auctions, please view the Auctions landing page.
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