ICANN and Ethics by Philip S Corwin

Commenting on ICANN’s request for comments as to whether its Conflict of Interest Policy and related Bylaws should be altered, which has come to prominence following Peter Dengate Thrush ending his term as ICANN chairman and then shortly thereafter taking the role of chairman with Minds + Machines and Executive Chairman of Top Level Domain Holdings, Philip S Corwin says the initiative is “a narrow, cart-before-the-horse initiative that seems tone-deaf to predictable stakeholder, political and public relations fallout.”Corwin has written an article on Circle ID examining these issues and asks “does ICANN have an ethics problem?” In short he says it depends on how you define the problem.In his lengthy article, Corwin concludes that “ICANN’s current ethics rules are neither adequate nor defensible. It would be far better for responsive reforms to be initiated by the Board, with stakeholder support, than imposed upon it.”To read the article by Philip S Corwin, Founding Principal, Virtualaw LLC; Counsel, Internet Commerce Association, in full, see: www.circleid.com/posts/icann_and_ethics/