As prescribed by the Affirmation of Commitments, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) now issues its final recommendations [PDF, 2.54 MB] for public comment.
These recommendations were developed on the basis of the draft proposed recommendations submitted for public comment in November 2010 and include the input received via the comment periods, email mechanisms and during ICANN meetings (38 and 39). Interviews, fact-finding and analysis led by the ATRT as well the Berkman Center’s Final Report [PDF, 3.92 MB], produced by the selected external consultant â Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University â constitute bedrocks of these final recommendations which are now submitted to the ICANN community for comments.
Under the AoC, resulting recommendations will be submitted for public comment and the Board will take action within six months of receipt of the recommendations. The community is now invited to participate in this comment forum by 14 February 2010 and to provide input on the final report via:
Translations of the report will be provided.
This ICANN announcement was sourced from: