How to Get Started as a Domainer: 28 Tips, Techniques and Resources

How does a salary of $10,000 per day sound to you? Aviva have a guide to earning a living from domain names, suggesting that you to could be like webmaster and marketing extraordinaire Marcus Frind who reportedly pulls in $10,000 per day in Google AdSense from his dating website However that’s nothing compared to the $100,000 per day domainer Yun Ye was pulling in before he sold his domain portfolio for about $164M in 2004 and subsequently disappeared under the radar. The guide suggests domaining is a lot like stock investing, the very best in the field have moved beyond basic strategies and have developed their own specific formulas for success. They discuss Trademark Typo Domains, Keyword Typo Domains, Automated Volume Buying, Trendwatching, Brute Force using Automated Domain Research Tools, how to financing your domaining, Important Practices such as don’t fall in love with a domain name, Techniques for Monetizing and Tools for the Trade such as automation and resource tools.

How to Get Started as a Domainer: 28 Tips, Techniques and Resources
How does a salary of $10,000 per day sound to you? Aviva have a guide to earning a living from domain names, suggesting that you to could be like webmaster and marketing extraordinaire Marcus Frind who reportedly pulls in $10,000 per day in Google AdSense from his dating website However that’s nothing compared to the $100,000 per day domainer Yun Ye was pulling in before he sold his domain portfolio for about $164M in 2004 and subsequently disappeared under the radar. The guide suggests domaining is a lot like stock investing, the very best in the field have moved beyond basic strategies and have developed their own specific formulas for success. They discuss Trademark Typo Domains, Keyword Typo Domains, Automated Volume Buying, Trendwatching, Brute Force using Automated Domain Research Tools, how to financing your domaining, Important Practices such as don’t fall in love with a domain name, Techniques for Monetizing and Tools for the Trade such as automation and resource tools.

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