Home pages, such a quaint old-fashioned notion…

“Most news sites put far too much effort into the home page – as few as 20% of daily visitors see it, because they arrive, instead, via search or links”

“Most news sites put far too much effort into the home page – as few as 20% of daily visitors see it, because they arrive, instead, via search or links”The Guardian’s website has a new home page and I am among those who like it. But I also think it looks of a piece with other newspaper.com redesigns of late, with a balance of white space and blue type and clean organisation similar to what you see at the Times, the Telegraph, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and News.com.au. Perhaps that means – as with newspaper front pages in black and white about 60 years ago, and in colour about 25 years ago – that we have arrived at a common visual grammar for news home pages.http://media.guardian.co.uk/mediaguardian/story/0,,2089337,00.html

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