Hilary Prepares For 2012 campaign with…

It could be just a coincidence, but a firm associated with top leaders of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 presidential advance team bought the Web site domain name HRC2012.Com on June 8, according to Marc Ambinder of TheAtlantic.com.

It could be just a coincidence, but a firm associated with top leaders of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 presidential advance team bought the Web site domain name HRC2012.Com on June 8, according to Marc Ambinder of TheAtlantic.com.

Now, just a little more than a month later, Clinton is imploring her 2008 general election campaign supporters to approve transfer of their unused donations for this year’s presidential race over to her 2012 Senate campaign. Or perhaps into a new presidential campaign fund, just as she did with $10 million of her surplus 2006 Senate campaign funds. If they nix her request she has to give the money back no later than next month.

Original article : http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/clinton_web_site_hrc2012/2008/07/20/114565.html