He sells employer's domain name, takes off with stripper

A great little story from the USA. A 41-year-old man, Stephen Galstad, was charged “with selling his employer’s domain name for US$200,000 and using corporate credit cards to finance international trips with a stripper girlfriend, according to a complaint filed in Milwaukee County Circuit Court.”
The domain name in question is sofa.com. The report in the Sheboygan Press says Galstad “faces up to five years in prison and $25,000 in fines on a felony charge of theft in a business setting. Galstad is in custody awaiting his initial court appearance Tuesday afternoon, officials said.”
The story says, “The theft came to owner Lynn Dinesen’s attention when a friend told her the sofa.com address was no longer sending people to the company’s site. ”
He really had a good time though, as “investigators found Galstad has been using a corporate credit card to travel to Brazil, Canada, Las Vegas and New Jersey with a woman identified by his employer as a stripper from Las Vegas.”
For the full original story see http://sheboygan-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070806/SHE0101/70806105/1973/frontpageor http://greenbaypressgazette.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070806/GPG0101/70806123