Google Details Problems With Handling Right to Be Forgotten Requests

Google says complying with Europe’s so-called right to be forgotten ruling is getting complicated.In a lengthy response to questions from the region’s data regulators, the search giant said that it often lacked enough information to decide whether it should remove links to web pages to comply with European law. see:Which countries made most ‘right to be forgotten’ requests? Google reveals all
Google has revealed which countries have made the most requests for links to be removed from search results under Europe’s new “right to be forgotten”.The European Union in May enshrined in law the individual’s “right to be forgotten” with a ruling that anyone could request to have themselves removed from search engine results. All search engines have to comply with the rules, but Google has been the most public subject. are twisting the facts in requests to be forgotten, Google says [IDG]
Some of those seeking to scrub their histories from the Web under Europe’s “right to be forgotten” rule are being economical with the truth when making their requests, Google said Thursday.In a letter to European data regulators, Google listed some of the challenges it faces in complying with the ruling, which allows people to compel search engines like Google and Bing to remove links to pages that mention their name, if the references are “inadequate,” “irrelevant” or “excessive.”

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