Google Android phones biggest network hogs: study

Users of Google’s Android phones, such as Samsung’s Galaxy S, use more data services than those with other smartphones, threatening to choke wireless network capacity, an industry study showed.The growing popularity of Android-operated phones — made by companies including Asian vendors HTC Corp and Samsung Electronics — comes as handsets look set to overtake computers as the most used device for browsing the Web.To read this Reuters report in full, see: see:Android users hungriest for mobile data, study says
Users of Android phones consume far more mobile data than users of other smartphones do, according to a study released Wednesday by network management software provider Arieso.Specifically, users with handsets based on Google’s Android operating system score higher than users of both the iPhone3G and iPhone 4 in terms of data call volumes, time connected to the network, and data volume uploaded and downloaded, Arieso found.

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