Google addresses newspaper woes

The majority of newspapers should be online, says Google boss Eric Schmidt, amid criticism it should share some of the millions it makes from newslinks.

The majority of newspapers should be online, says Google boss Eric Schmidt, amid criticism it should share some of the millions it makes from newslinks.Media owner Rupert Murdoch has questioned if aggregators like Google should pay to use content.The Associated Press is to sue to protect its content as a time when the industry is losing readers to the web.”I would encourage everybody to think in terms of what your reader wants,” Mr Schmidt told newspaper bosses. boss tells papers how to run their websites [AFP]
Google chief executive Eric Schmidt told worried US newspaper owners on Tuesday they need to work with the web giant as they struggle to find a new business model for the ailing industry.Speaking to a meeting of the Newspaper Association of America in San Diego, California, Schmidt praised the role the press plays in a democratic society and stressed that newspapers should see Google as a partner not a rival. to Take On Web Aggregators
Taking aim at the way news is spread across the Internet, The Associated Press said on Monday that it will demand that Web sites obtain permission to use the work of The A.P. or its member newspapers, and share revenue with the news organizations, and that it will take legal action those that do not.A.P. executives said they were concerned about a variety of news forums around the Web, including major search engines like Google and Yahoo and aggregators like the Drudge Report that link to news articles, smaller sites that sometimes reproduce articles whole, and companies that sell packaged news feeds. to Fight Illegal Use of Content on Web Sites
The Associated Press said Monday it is launching an initiative to better control its newspaper members’ material online.Under the initiative, whose details are still being determined, the AP will work with Web portals and other digital partners to track — and pursue legal action against — publishers that use this content on the Web without a license.

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