Public comments are invited via email until 00:00 UTC (17:00 PDT) on 30 October 2007 on the GNSO Council’s WHOIS reports and recommendations.Submit comments to: comments at March, 2007, a WHOIS Task Force convened by the GNSO Council in June, 2005 completed its final report. The Task Force was asked to address important questions related to WHOIS. Key questions included the purpose of WHOIS service, which information should be available to the public, how to improve WHOIS accuracy and how to deal with conflicts between WHOIS requirements and relevant privacy laws. In the final report, a simple majority of members of the WHOIS Task Force endorsed a proposal called the “Operational Point of Contact” (OPOC).Under OPOC, every registrant would identify a new operational contact and the technical and administrative contact details would no longer be displayed. The final WHOIS Task Force Report of 12 March, 2007 is posted at completion of the Task Force Report and public comment period, on 28 March the GNSO Council issued a resolution creating a WHOIS Working Group to examine three issues and to make recommendations concerning how current policies may be improved to address these issues: 1. to examine the roles, responsibilities and requirements of the OPOC, and what happens if they are not fulfilled;
2. to examine how legitimate interests will access unpublished registration data; and
3. to examine whether publication of registration contact information should be based on the type of registered name holder (legal vs. natural persons) or the registrant’s use of a domain name.The Whois Outcomes Working Group Report was finalized on 20 August, 2007. It is posted at [PDF, 213K]. On 6 September 2007, the GNSO Council approved a resolution which, among other things, establishes a schedule for consideration of the WHOIS Task Force Report and the WHOIS Working Group Report. This schedule includes solicitation of further public comments and culminates in a public Council discussion and vote on 31 October 2007 during the Los Angeles ICANN.In addition, the resolution calls for ICANN staff to prepare a type of “draft final report” that references the Task Force Report, the Working Group Charter and the Working Group Report and which includes an overall description of the process. The following document, entitled, Staff Overview of Recent GNSO WHOIS Activity [PDF, 77K], has been prepared in response to the Council Resolution. It contains the full text of the GNSO resolution and the schedule for GNSO Council consideration of the reports.Again, further public comments are invited via email until 00:00 UTC (17:00 PDT) on 30 October 2007 on the GNSO Council’s WHOIS reports and recommendations referenced above and summarized in the Staff Overview of Recent GNSO WHOIS Activity [PDF, 77K]. Submit comments to: View comments at announcement originally appeared on the ICANN website at
GNSO Consideration of Proposed Changes to WHOIS
Public comments are invited via email until 00:00 UTC (17:00 PDT) on 30 October 2007 on the GNSO Council’s WHOIS reports and recommendations.