Oh my god, TechNewsReview thinks some people need to get a life. The iPhone is a bloody phone. It doesn’t solve world poverty, end climate change or improve your sex life. Arguably it could be to the detriment of all 3! The money spent on iPhones could go to world poverty, the countless hours people spend playing with their iPhones will chew through more non-renewable electricity and, really, for the those spending hours obtaining and playing with their iPhones, surely sex would be a more rewarding experience. Or do the stereotypes of nerds with no social life or partner fit the bill?And what are these people doing with all their old phones? Recycling them or enabling someone else to use their phone? I can only hope so.And then there’s “technolust” that is “haunting the planet” as The Observer reported on last weekend. The “self-indulgent craving for attractive gadgets offering at best only marginal improvements over older devices but inducing fleeting, orgasmic, smug superiority in their possessors.”And then, yes, wait there’s more (but no free steak knives), why do people insist on supporting products that ultimately rip-off their purchasers by not allowing removable batteries? OK, I do like my gadgets too – my iPod (it was a gift, and the second that was a gift too), my 3 year old Nokia phone and my 3 year old iPaq. And yes, the iPod may well be the best of its type. But no removable battery? Come on Steve Jobs, who is Apple kidding? Stop ripping off us consumers.As reported in Australian IT today by Nokia’s chief technology officer Dr Tero Ojanpera, “a lot of [the iPhone’s] features are already available in other phones.” Apparently “Nokia itself recently showed journalists video footage of a concept phone that incorporated a touchscreen interface remarkably similar to the iPhone” with Nokia “working on the underlying technology for some time but declined to say when a product based on it would reach the market.”There is one benefit of the iPhone I agree with, and which Ojanpera mentions – “it has increased user interest in converged devices, and that will benefit all vendors”. Ojanpera says “[t]he iPhone validates the multipurpose device paradigm,” he says. “It is an example of yet another vendor focused on single-purpose devices moving to multi-purpose devices.”Will I be buying an iPhone? Fat chance!
Get a life – it’s only a phone!
Oh my god, TechNewsReview thinks some people need to get a life. The iPhone is a bloody phone. It doesn’t solve world poverty, end climate change or improve your sex life. Arguably it could be to the detriment of all 3! The money spent on iPhones could go to world poverty, the countless hours people spend playing with their iPhones will chew through more non-renewable electricity and, really, for the those spending hours obtaining and playing with their iPhones, surely sex would be a more rewarding experience. Or do the stereotypes of nerds with no social life or partner fit the bill?