German Wikileaks domain name deleted by DENIC

According to a news release from the German Wikileaks and German media reports, DENIC, the registry for the .DE ccTLD, deleted the domain name without warning on April 9. This follows the recent leaking of a list of domain names on the Wikileaks website of websites that were banned in Australia by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

According to a news release from the German Wikileaks and German media reports, DENIC, the registry for the .DE ccTLD, deleted the domain name without warning on April 9. This follows the recent leaking of a list of domain names on the Wikileaks website of websites that were banned in Australia by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).However whether the two incidents are linked is not clear with ACMA claiming they sought no assistance from the German authorities. The reason though, according to Wikileaks, is clear – it is because of their publishing of the list of Australian websites.The claims by Wikileaks are unable to be verified with no comment given by German government representatives or DENIC as to the reason for the deletion of the domain name.The list and information on the banning is available on a number of Wikileaks sites around the world such as news release from Wikileaks on the deletion of the domain name is available from: [German]

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