G’Day mate: Australia, New Zealand shake hands on cybersecurity

Australia and New Zealand signed an agreement on Sunday that expands their cooperation on cybersecurity.

Australia and New Zealand signed an agreement on Sunday that expands their cooperation on cybersecurity.The countries’ prime ministers signed an agreement to establish a formal Australia New Zealand Cyber Dialogue to expand cybersecurity cooperation between the two countries.
http://www.infosecurity-us.com/view/23544/gday-mate-australia-new-zealand-shake-hands-on-cybersecurity/Also see:Joint Statement with the Prime Minister of New Zealand [news release]
Prime Ministers Julia Gillard and John Key met for the annual Australia-New Zealand Leaders’ meeting in Melbourne on 29 January. Their meeting was followed by the second Joint Meeting of Australian and New Zealand Cabinet Ministers.The Prime Ministers re-affirmed their strong commitment to the closest possible relations between Australia and New Zealand, including through an annual Leaders’ meeting. They agreed to conduct further joint meetings of Cabinet Ministers on a regular basis and at least once in the term of each government.

Stronger Defence and National Security CooperationThe Prime Ministers welcomed the outcome of the Review of the Australia-New Zealand Defence Relationship, which has been launched today by Defence Ministers. The review outlines a new defence relationship framework that will make it easier for Australia and New Zealand to work together in our region and cooperate on capability development and procurement.The Prime Ministers announced further steps to deepen cooperation on national security and emergency management cooperation. They agreed:

  • to strengthen cooperation against the shared and growing challenge of cyber security through a regular Australia New Zealand Cyber Dialogue;
  • that New Zealand would move from observer status to membership of the National Counter-Terrorism Committee, to ensure the closest possible coordination on counter-terrorism policy;
  • that New Zealand would move from observer status to membership of the National Emergency Management Committee, in recognition of the strong collaboration between the two countries on disaster management.

The Prime Ministers agreed to continue to work closely together in the lead-up to the Centenary of the ANZAC landings in 2015, and other important WWI centennial commemorations.

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