When the Firefox web browser was launched in 2004, the then head of Microsoft Australia Steve Vamos was quoted as saying he did not believe it would pose a real threat to Internet Explorer’s market share. … Firefox continues to claw users away from IE – the most recent measure by web analyst NetApplications shows Firefox has a worldwide market share of 15 per cent, compared with 78 per cent for IE. Recent measures from another firm, XiTi Monitor, say Firefox enjoys an almost 25 per cent share of the market in Oceania – larger than its share in Europe, Asia and America.http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2007/05/02/1177788202450.html
Firefox claws more users from Microsoft
When the Firefox web browser was launched in 2004, the then head of Microsoft Australia Steve Vamos was quoted as saying he did not believe it would pose a real threat to Internet Explorer’s market share. … Firefox continues to claw users away from IE – the most recent measure by web analyst NetApplications shows Firefox has a worldwide market share of 15 per cent, compared with 78 per cent for IE. Recent measures from another firm, XiTi Monitor, say Firefox enjoys an almost 25 per cent share of the market in Oceania – larger than its share in Europe, Asia and America.