[CIO] If you care to keep your past in the past, Facebook’s new version of the profile, called Timeline, makes that a little more difficult.With Timeline, every status update, wall post, and photo ever posted since the day you joined Facebook becomes easily searchable to you and your friends. For many — early adopters especially — dredging up the past for all to see can be a privacy nightmare.When your Facebook account is migrated to the new Timeline — which Facebook has started rolling out — you’ll have one week to make any adjustments to your past posts and privacy settings before your Timeline will go live for everyone to see. You can publish it yourself anytime within the five-day waiting period.
http://www.pcworld.com/article/240891/facebook_timeline_privacy_settings_youll_want_to_set.htmlAlso see:Facebook ‘to track porn browsing’
Facebook has come under fire after revelations that adult sites could show up in people’s Facebook account timelines.
Facebook Timeline: Privacy Settings You’ll Want to Set
If you care to keep your past in the past, Facebook’s new version of the profile, called Timeline, makes that a little more difficult.