Facebook Says It Can Block Content to Avoid Regulatory Risk

Facebook Inc. on Tuesday told users it can take down or block any content that could increase regulatory or legal risks for the social media giant around the world — even if the content itself isn’t illegal.

The broad language of a global change to its terms of service, which takes effect Oct. 1, gives the U.S. giant room to do whatever it deems necessary to maintain its business objectives in a shifting regulatory environment.

Facebook said the change allows it to block people and publishers in Australia from sharing news, pushing back against a proposed law forcing the company to pay media firms for their articles. But a company spokesperson said the tweak applies globally.

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Also see:

Facebook and Google want to protect data secrecy and use of news media but the Government has other ideas
A couple of weeks ago, Google started bombarding users with a pop-up yellow alert every time they clicked on the search engine.

It wasn’t a warning about offensive content, cyber security or online privacy. Rather, it was about rallying its millions of users to help protect the company’s business model and data secrecy.

The Australian Government is boldly going where no other country has gone in taking on tech giants Google and Facebook. It has proposed a new “Mandatory News Media Bargaining Code” which would require these two tech giants to do two things.

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