Facebook reveals daily users for U.S. and UK, data aimed at advertisers

One out of three people in the United States – more than 128 million – visit Facebook every day, and about 24 million in the United Kingdom do the same, the company said on Tuesday, releasing regional data for the first time as a way of helping advertisers understand how people use the social network.It is also part of a larger push to go after dollars earmarked for TV commercials, the top choice among advertisers when they launch campaigns.
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/08/13/uk-facebook-users-idUKBRE97C0Y520130813Also see:Facebook: four out of five daily users log on via smartphone or tablet
Facebook is undergoing a mobile revolution with four out of five of the 24 million Britons who log on each day using a smartphone or tablet computer to sate their social appetite.The social network has revealed that 24 million people – more than a third of the UK population – now visit the site every day, with 33 million doing so each month.
http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/aug/14/facebook-users-smartphone-tabletOur Daily Cup of Facebook
Checking Facebook has become almost as embedded in the lives of Americans as getting a cup of coffee.The social network disclosed on Tuesday that on any given day, more than 40 percent of Americans — 128 million people — visit Facebook. Of those daily visitors, about 79 percent, or 101 million, use a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet to access the service. (Globally, the company had 699 million users a day in June.)

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