Facebook Hits 1 Trillion Pageviews

Social networking behemoth Facebook reached 1 trillion pageviews in June, according to new data. Facebook is the most-visited website on the Internet, according to data compiled by the ad network DoubleClick, a subsidiary of Google.In June 2011, Facebook received about 870 million unique visitors, a figure that exceeds the number of registered users the site has by about 120 million. That’s because many of the site’s pages come up in search results and are generally visible to non-users, if only partially.
www.nytimes.com/external/readwriteweb/2011/08/24/24readwriteweb-facebook-hits-1-trillion-pageviews-66579.htmlAlso see:Facebook had 1 trillion page views in June, according to Google
Facebook hit 1-trillion page views in June, according to Google.But that staggering number on Facebook’s traffic is just what’s served up by Google’s DoubleClick Ad Planner rankings, which compile data on Web traffic “from a variety of sources including anonymized, aggregated Google Toolbar data” and data from Google’s DoubleClick ad management service.

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