Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft petition US over surveillance requests

[IDG] Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft all filed petitions Monday with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, as part of a renewed effort to reveal more information about government data requests.The companies had already petitioned the U.S. government to let them be more specific in reporting the volume of national security-related requests they receive, following the first leaks in June about government surveillance programs such as Prism.
www.computerworld.com/s/article/9242262/Facebook_Google_Yahoo_and_Microsoft_petition_US_over_surveillance_requestsAlso see:Internet companies in new effort to disclose more on NSA requests
Some of the world’s biggest Internet companies on Monday increased efforts to disclose more about their forced cooperation with U.S. spy agencies, and Google Inc asked a court to hold what would be unprecedented public oral arguments.Google Inc, Facebook Inc and others met with a panel established by the White House to review the sweeping domestic surveillance exposed by Edward Snowden, a former contractor at the National Security Agency.


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