European Web Sites Go For Long Addresses (AP)
What’s in an Internet domain name? Sixty-three characters max. The group managing the European .eu domain said Friday that six people last year registered the longest Internet addresses allowed, ranging from the tongue-twisting name of a Welsh village to the first 63 numbers that make up the mathematical constant pi. One German user was firmly tongue in cheek when registering – which doesn’t live up to comic potential since it links to a site saying it is being held for a client.
European Web Sites Go For Long Addresses
What’s in an Internet domain name? Sixty-three characters max. The group managing the European .eu domain said Friday that six people last year registered the longest Internet addresses allowed, ranging from the tongue-twisting name of a Welsh village to the first 63 numbers that make up the mathematical constant pi. One German user was firmly tongue in cheek when registering – which doesn’t live up to comic potential since it links to a site saying it is being held for a client.