European Dialogue on Internet Governance
Strasbourg, 20-21 October 2008Consultations before the 3rd IGF in Hyderabad with a particular emphasis on :
“Fostering security, privacy and openness on the internet”European actors interested in Internet Governance issues will meet in Strasburg on 20-21 October 2008, to discuss openly and freely their ideas, experiences and concerns in a fully multi-stakeholder format.The main themes on the Agenda of the 3rd IGF to be held in Hyderabad in December will be addressed with a particular emphasis on issues surrounding security, privacy, and openness on the Internet (concerns such as cutting Internet access, the privacy and security of popular internet banking and commerce applications, etc). Other themes will include universal access, as well as managing Internet critical resources.This Dialogue on Internet Governance intends to highlight in particular the specific European approach to the interplay between security, privacy, and openness: they will not be discussed as concepts that only conflict with each other and therefore need to be “balanced” but rather as principles that can be fostered simultaneously and even mutually reinforce each other. The main focus will be put on identifying – based on European experience – situations and solutions that reflect and respond to these issues and challenges.Taking into account the rapid evolution of the Internet’s uses and applications, the identification of emerging issues will also be a cross-cutting component of this European dialogue and exchange.There will be no agreed formal outcomes from this event. The primary aim will be to promote open dialogue between all participating stakeholders in order to prepare their participation in and contributions to the IGF in Hyderabad in December 2008. It will also explore possible modalities for holding a European IGF in 2009.The dialogue is open to all interested stakeholders and will take place in the premises of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.Contacts:
Thomas Schneider, OFCOM, Biel-Bienne, Switzerland (
Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (