Europe online ’24 hours a month’
More than 122m Europeans aged 15 and above use the internet each day at home, school or in work, says a report. The average European accesses the net 16.5 days in a month, and spends 24 hours viewing 2,662 web pages, according to tracking firm comScore. The Netherlands has the highest net penetration, with 83% of the country online, the firm reported. see:
Brits are Busiest Surfers
Web surfers in the U.K. spend more time online than those in the rest of Europe or the U.S., according to results from a study released on Monday. The average U.K. Internet user spends 34.4 hours on the Web each month — or almost a day and a half — followed by the Swedes with 31.7 hours and the Spanish with 30.6 hours, according to the figures, from comScore’s World Metrix study.,132524-c,researchreports/article.html Releases First Comprehensive Review of Pan-European (news release)
comScore released the first comprehensive review of European Internet activity. The comScore World Metrix study reveals that on an average day in April 2007, there were 122 million Europeans age 15 or older online, versus 114 million in the U.S. The average European accessed the Internet from either a home or a work computer an average of 16.5 days in the month and spent a total of 24 hours viewing 2,662 Web pages.
Europe online ’24 hours a month’, with Brits the busiest surfers
More than 122m Europeans aged 15 and above use the internet each day at home, school or in work, says a report. The average European accesses the net 16.5 days in a month, and spends 24 hours viewing 2,662 web pages, according to tracking firm comScore. The Netherlands has the highest net penetration, with 83% of the country online, the firm reported. While web surfers in the U.K. spend more time online than those in the rest of Europe or the U.S.