EURALO and CENTR Sign MoU at IGF 2018

EURALO and CENTR announced Tuesday they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) alongside the 2018 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Paris to formalise their existing relationship promoting internet coordination activities in Europe

EURALO and CENTR announced Tuesday they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) alongside the 2018 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Paris to formalise their existing relationship promoting internet coordination activities in Europe.

In their announcement, the European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO) and the Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR) note that both parties have pledged to collaborate for the promotion of Internet coordination activities in the European region.

More specifically, they will continue to encourage awareness of each other’s activities and mission, as well as jointly organising capacity-building events and other meetings, trainings, projects of workshops related to Internet policy and governance. They will also continue to promote Internet development in the European region and an open, bottom-up, multistakeholder Internet governance model.

“I am very pleased to sign this Memorandum with CENTR on behalf of EURALO,” said Olivier Crépin-Leblond, chair of EURALO. “The aim of EURALO, as defined by our community, is to have at least one At-Large Structure in every country of our region. Collaborating with CENTR will reinforce the multistakeholder model that has already generated great opportunities, starting with National and Regional IGFs. Thanks to CENTR for considering this collaboration and to AFNIC for proposing that we sign this document at the IGF in Paris.”

“The IGF provides us with an excellent opportunity to strengthen and formalise the collaboration between EURALO and CENTR,” Jörg Schweiger, CENTR Chair said. “CENTR Members have a long tradition of closely working together with their local Internet Communities. EURALO is well represented in those communities, and we look forward to our increased collaboration and information exchange on a regional level and for our work in the international environment.”

There are 5 RALOs, of which EURALO is one, that unite ICANN’s At-Large Structures (ALSes) and individual members based on their geographic regions. As the information conduit and facilitators, RALOs disseminate information from ICANN, promote the participation of their members, and channel the regional user point of view to ICANN. Each RALO is governed by its own organising documents, including a Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN. Playing a key role in ICANN’s regional strategies, several RALOs partner with ICANN to facilitate the development of critical infrastructure for the Domain Name System.

EURALO unites European Internet end-user voices within the At-Large community. EURALO consists of Internet-related civil society and consumer interests, representing their views in the bottom-up, consensus-based, multi-stakeholder ICANN policy development process.

CENTR is the European association of country-code top level domain (ccTLD) registries.