A group of European regulators has written to Google Inc calling on it to halt the introduction of its new privacy policy, saying it needs to investigate whether the proposals sufficiently protect users’ data.Google said in January it was simplifying its privacy regulations, consolidating 60 guidelines into a single policy that will function across all its services, including YouTube, Gmail and Google+, its social networking site.
http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/02/03/eu-google-idINDEE8120D120120203Also see:Will Europe Upend Google’s New Privacy Plan?
European data protection authorities are asking Google to delay its roll out of a new consolidated privacy policy that will further integrate your personal information across all of Google’s services. The European Union’s Article 29 Working Party, a European umbrella organization that includes 27 data protection authorities in the EU, sent a letter to Google CEO Larry Page Thursday asking for more time to study the company’s policy update.”We call for a pause [in the new privacy policy roll out] in the interests of ensuring that there can be no misunderstanding about Google’s commitments to information rights of their users and EU citizens,” wrote Article 29 Chairman Jacob Kohnstamm.