EU and U.S. make deal in WTO Internet gambling dispute

The European Union and the United States agreed Monday on terms to compensate the Union for the loss of trade stemming from Washington’s refusal to lift restrictions on Internet gambling.The accord provides EU service suppliers with new opportunities in the U.S. postal and courier, research and development, storage and warehouse markets. The United States also made concessions in the testing and analysis services industries. see:
US Throws EU a Bone Over Net Gambling Ban
In a bid to settle a dispute arising from an aggressive effort to ban gambling by its residents, the U.S. has agreed to trade concessions meant to make it easier for some European companies to compete against domestic rivals. The U.S. has approved concessions dealing with easing trade restrictions on mail services and warehousing, the EU said. out of U.S. online gambling market [Reuters]
The European Commission dealt a blow to European online gaming companies Monday when it accepted a U.S. offer of openings in other sectors as compensation for closing the U.S. gambling market to foreign firms.,1,1501677.storyU.S. reaches deal with EU, Japan, Canada on gambling [Reuters]
The United States has reached a deal with the European Union, Japan and Canada to keep its Internet gambling market closed to foreign companies, but is continuing talks with India, Antigua and Barbuda, Macau and Costa Rica, U.S. trade officials said on Monday., EU agree on compensation over online gambling ban [AP]
The United States will provide the European Union with new trade concessions in mail services and warehousing as part of a compensation deal over Washington’s refusal to lift restrictions on Internet gambling, the European Union said Monday.


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