Editorial: China’s Computer Folly

China has accomplished remarkable things in the past 20 years, including building one of the world’s largest economies. Computers helped speed that development — and will be even more important in the future. So Beijing’s decision to require that all new personal computers sold in China contain software that bars access to certain Internet content seems particularly self-destructive and foolish.The new rules say all PCs sold in China after June 30 must include special software — designed by a company with links to China’s military and security agencies — to filter out pornography and other “vulgar” material. Beijing claims that it is trying to protect children. Don’t believe it.
http://nytimes.com/2009/06/12/opinion/12fri3.htmlAlso see:U.S. Firm Says China Stole Software for Web-Filter [sub req’d]
A California company alleged that an Internet-filtering program being pushed by the Chinese government contains stolen portions of the company’s software.The company, Solid Oak Software Inc., said it will try to stop PC makers from shipping computers with the software.


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