Brief Overview
Focusing on ICANN‘s commitment to the multistakeholder model, ICANN‘s Draft FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and an associated update to the Five-Year Operating Plan & Financial Model is provided for community discussion and public comment. ICANN seeks structured feedback on the plan described in these two linked documents. They reflect FY16’s planned accomplishments toward the Five-Year Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Board in October 2014. They also incorporate refinements based on regular interaction with the ICANN Community.
Current Status:
These two draft documents have been prepared and published for public review and comment. An overview will be presented at a High Interest Topic session during ICANN55 in March 2016.
Next Steps:
A report on the comments received will be prepared during May. After incorporating changes based on suggestions and comments, the Board will be invited to adopt the Plan at ICANN56 in June 2016.
Section I: Description, Explanation, and Purpose
ICANN seeks structured feedback on the plan described in these two linked documents. They reflect FY16’s planned accomplishments towards the Five-Year Strategic Plan (adopted by the Board in October 2014) and refinements based on regular interaction with the ICANN Community.
Section II: Background
ICANN‘s planning process consists of a continuous cycle of three planning components: Strategic Plan, Five-Year Operating Plan, and Fiscal-Year Operating Plan & Budget.
- ICANN‘s Strategic Plan [PDF, 1.65 MB] was developed with community input and is updated every five years. The Strategic Plan shapes our priorities, informs our budget and drives our activities. ICANN‘s Strategic Plan for FY16-FY20 was adopted by the Board and published on 14 October 2014.
- ICANN‘s Five-Year Operating Plan was developed with community input and is updated each year. It contains a Five-Year Planning Calendar, a Financial Model, and at the Goal level:
- corresponding Key Performance Indicators
- Risks, Five-Year Phasing
- and a list of Portfolios
- ICANN‘s Fiscal-Year Operating Plan & Budget is developed based on the Five-Year Operating Plan along with input from the community.
The cycle completes with Achievement & Progress Reporting.
Following the adoption of the FY16-FY20 Strategic Plan in October 2014, ICANN staff developed and consulted on a Draft Five-Year Operating Plan, which was adopted by the Board in June 2015.
Section III: Relevant Resources
FY17’s Draft planning documents:
- Draft Five-Year Operating Plan & Financial Model Update for FY17 [PDF, 1.43 MB] [DOCX, 4.16 MB]
- Draft FY17 Operating Plan & Budget [PDF, 2.15 MB]
Supporting documents:
- FY17 Projects by project [PDF, 1.21 MB]
- FY17 Projects by portfolio [PDF, 374 KB]
- FY17 Budget By Portfolio and By Project [XLSX, 139 KB]
Contextual information:
- Adopted Strategic Plan [PDF, 1.65 MB]
- Initial Five-Year Operating Plan & Financial Model [PDF, 1 MB]
- Planning Process
- Financial Information
- Quarterly Stakeholder Updates
Section IV: Additional Information
- An ICANN/IANA Operating Plan & Budget session is scheduled to be held at ICANN55
Open Date:5 Mar 2016 23:59 UTC
Close Date: 30 Apr 2016 23:59 UTC
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