The OECDâs Future of the Internet conference is currently underway with a wide representation of government and other bodies being represented. Among those present were Paul Twomey from ICANN who said it plans to introduce top-level domains in Korean characters early next year reports DongA. (see stories 9 & 11). The conference is, in part, looking at domain name issues.
The OECD also made a recommendation (3) to provide guidance on the development of policies to protect critical information infrastructures (CII), the disruption or destruction of which would have a serious impact on the safety and well-being of citizens or the effective functioning of government or the economy. This guidance is derived from best practices identified in an OECD background report comparing CII policies in seven countries.
Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media, called (13) âupon governments and industry to accelerate the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, thus providing a solution to the address space problem as we indeed risk falling short of internet addresses within 3 years, a situation which the “internet of things” will further deteriorate. She also said the EU was proud of the .eu TLD. Ms Reding also said âThere is also a need for a global approach on the security of the internet,â referring to the DDOS attack on Estonia and noting the security implications.
The Number Resource Organisation (15) has warned of the cost of not implementing IPv6 will be far higher should infrastructure not be upgraded to be IPv6 compliant. Geoff Huston said âThe cost of migrating the Internet infrastructure to IPv6 is significant considering the global scope of the task, but the cost of not making this investment will be far higher. And, ultimately, itâs the end user population who will have to bear this cost.â
Articles referred to above:
2. Recommendation of the OECD Council for enhanced access and more effective use of public sector information
This Recommendation is designed as a general framework for Member countries to foster wider and more effective use of public sector information and content, and the generation of new uses from it. It lays out principles for openness and transparent conditions for re-use, quality and integrity, new technologies and long-term preservation, copyright, pricing, competition and redress, and international access.
3. Opening remarks by Angel GurrÃa, OECD Secretary-General at the OECD Ministerial meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy –,3343,en_2649_37441_40852267_1_1_1_37441,00.html
5. [OECDIT] No Vacancy: Make Room for New Internet Addresses – speech by Dr Paul Twomey –